Personalised Care Plans At Wellcross Grange

We understand everybody is different when it comes to care. That’s why we create personalised care plans for each of our residents. We take the time to understand our resident’s exact needs. Meaning, we can make sure they are comfortable whilst catering to their specific requirements.

We are small, friendly and family-run. Our permanent staff are driven and compassionate. They take the time to get to know each resident individually and make them feel comfortable within our homely nursing home.

What Is An Individual Care Plan?

Also known as a personalised care plan, an individual care plan is a collaborative effort to ensure the specific needs of an individual are considered and catered for.

We use them to assess the needs of each resident and to help our care staff understand how to best care for them. An individual care plan is a valuable tool that ensures residents receive the correct levels of care at all times.

Our residents and their friends and families, as well as our staff, are consulted when creating an individual care plan. We want our residents to receive the very best levels of care, and involving all of these key individuals helps us achieve this.

How Is A Personalised Care Plan Made?

The best personalised care plans are made through clear and honest communication. The best way to communicate your needs or the needs of a loved one is to speak with our care staff in person.

It’s also very important that any information you give us is accurate, detailed and up to date. Before you talk with us about a personalised care plan, you should thoroughly assess the needs of the person who needs care.

The more accurate and detailed the information is, the better chance our care team will have of fulfilling their individual needs.

How Are Individuals Assessed?

Whilst there isn’t a set way to assess a person's individual care needs, your assessment should be thorough enough to help you understand a lot about a person's health and wellbeing needs.

The below points should help you create a good individual care plan.

  • It should be flexible and adaptable to suit the individual's needs wherever possible.
  • The personalised care plan should be led by the person needing care. It will be them who receives it after all. Input from people who know them well is also very valuable.
  • You should include details that will help staff understand their personality.
  • You should make sure to collate a detailed history of the individual’s health and wellbeing history. Including medication and previous illnesses.

What Makes An Individual Care Plan Great?

With so many factors to consider, it can be a daunting task to create an individual care plan. However, once you start doing it, you’ll find that’s not the case.

The most important thing is to create the plan from the perspective of the person(s) it affects. With input from the individual, people close to them and our care staff, we can create a plan that keeps them comfortable.

One of the most important things about a personalised care plan is that it can change. People’s interests, wants, and needs are changing all the time, and we make sure to re-visit all of our personalised care plans regularly to make sure they are happy and receiving the level of support they need.

Personalised Care Plan Example

Personalised care plans can look very different depending on who is doing them. However, the best ones are created in collaboration with the person receiving care. And, they tend to cover the following information in detail.

  • Individual needs of the person who will be receiving care
  • If/the level of care they are receiving currently
  • The type of care they’d like to receive
  • Details about their personality
  • Information about their hobbies and interests
  • Their medical history

The aim should be to ensure the individual who requires care is happy and well cared for.